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Family day journal

 April 23, 2023 

Family Day acts as a gentle reminder for us all to show our love and care to the closest members of our own families. Through our busy lives filled with learning, teaching, and employment, it is easy to allow ourselves to lose sight of what should always be most important - our children, parents, and other loved ones.  Family day is a fantastic chance for teachers, parents, and children to interact with one another. We have the opportunity to reconnect, recharge, refocus, and spend some quality time together.

I had a lot of fun even though my mom and uncle couldn't go because of their busy schedules. I asked my uncle Kevin to go instead, and he agreed, but he couldn't stay long because he had to go somewhere. My mom's absence left me feeling quite empty, but I know she shares my sentiments. I hope she can join us for my family day the next time. I was okay with it because at least I had my friends there. I also couldn't prepare much for the family day because I was too busy with intramurals and dance palabas. Although I didn't actually play, I enjoyed seeing my teammates compete and watch the dancing palabas. The competition was intense since everyone on our team was very talented and gave it their best. I could not express enough gratitude to my friends for covering for my mother's absence and keeping me from feeling sad, nevertheless I had a lot of fun thanks to them. I am grateful for all of my friends.Although I should be addressing my family as it is a family day, my friends are also my second family since they make me laugh and happy all the time. Although I am regretting that our school year is almost over, I hope my friends pursue their interests in senior high school. Thank you, friends, for helping to make my family's day a special memory. I will never forget this day and will always treasure it. I LOVE Y'ALL!!

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